About Khaleesi's Mom

About Me…

Hi, I am Tinika Bell from Flint, Michigan.  I am a kid who grew up on York St and attended Roy Wilkins elementary school in the 1980s.  I am also a graduate of the University Michigan – Ann Arbor (Go Blue!).  More importantly, I have always been a person that understands the importance of giving back.  Over 20 years, I have given my time, energy and resources to agencies in Genesee county down to Wayne county.  In doing so, I have met many people and learned many things related to the needs of each of these areas, along with their similarities.  With that said, I decided to create a business that I can teach these skills to others and hopefully change the world along the way.  Khaleesi’s Mom is my first business venture to make change in the communities that are like the one I grew up in.  I will use my knowledge, experience, resources and connections to bring people like myself to the aid of those who may feel forgotten.  My goal is to leave a positive impact that will inspire others to do the same.  I will be the change I wish to see in others.  Please join me.
Much love…

Tinika M. Bell